USED BY GOD by Joel McGee
As I reflected over 2017, I could see so many instances in which God had used JungleMaster and all of its partners to further His kingdom. One story in particular, though, will always remain close to my heart. In February, several representatives from JungleMaster traveled 15 hours in a speed boat to reach the very remote village of Dos Demayo, a community of approximately 100 people. Several of the pastors of the cofraternity also joined us on the trip. On the night we arrived in the village, we had a church service. After that service, Pedro, the local pastor, shared with us how discouraged he had become and how hard it was for him to be located in such a remote place. I took that opportunity to invite him, along with any other interested brothers or sisters from that church, to come to Nauta to take part in the seminary training that JungleMaster had already helped other pastors to attend. Pedro, along with his wife, his son, and three other Christian brothers, came to the first training session in March. They continued to come to all of the remaining one-week training sessions throughout 2017 and graduated from the seminary in December. Every time they would come to Nauta for class, I could see a clear difference in Pedro. After the first week of training, I could see a clear difference in his facial expressions; he just plain looked happier. When he came for his second session, I could see a difference in the way he was standing; he no longer had his head down and his shoulders slumped, but was standing tall, with his head held up. After one of the training sessions, Pedro told me how encouraged he was and that he was ready to go back to Dos Demayo to teach his community the things that he had learned.
God could have chosen anyone to encourage and equip Pedro, but what humbles me is that He chose us, JungleMaster, to do so. Thank you, God!
We are excited to see how God will continue to use JungleMaster to further His Kingdom as we head into 2018!
Joel with Pedro and Pedro’s wife and son |
In December, my family was privileged to travel to Peru and spend time with wonderful friends Joel, Amy, and Carmen McGee.
My children, Kelsey, Eli, Hannah and Tessa, along with daughter-in-law Anna Wüst and son-in-law Jared Bailey, were able to spend time traveling the river, visiting jungle villages, and meeting people who their dad loved.
After a year of grief, this trip provided us healing. Walking places where Tom poured his heart into Ministry, worshiping alongside believers in a church that grew out of the support and encouragement of JungleMaster Ministries, and experiencing the wonder of God’s creation as river dolphins leaped and splashed around our boat, are all memories that will be treasured!
I’m so grateful for friends of JungleMaster who have supported the work Tom did – work Joel and Amy continue to do, in jungle villages of Peru.
From left to right: Jared, Tessa, Hannah, Kelsey, Janet, Anna, and Eli |