Jungle Master Ministries

I can see clearly now

For the last two years, Pastor Francisco (president of the cofraternity as well as the Pastor in Atenas) has been struggling with his vision in his left eye. Towards the end of 2019 Francisco asked JungleMaster if it would be possible to help him with the expenses of eye surgery and new eyeglasses. This was an easy decision for me to make. Of course, we would help him. In February he had his operation and had to stay in Iquitos for a few weeks while he recuperated and had some follow up appointments. Last night Francisco, his wife Sonya, and his son Bretan stayed with us in Nauta on there way back to Atenas. Pastor Francisco was extremely grateful to JungleMaster for helping him with this gift of sight and also wanted to make sure I let all the supporters know that he wanted to say “Thank You” to all who graciously give and support JungleMaster.

I would also like to personally thank all of our supporters for allowing us to continue to support these pastors as they fulfill their calling to bring the Love of Christ to the lost.

2 thoughts on “I can see clearly now”

  1. This report vividly reminds me of giving out over 200 pairs of glasses and praying with each recipient during a pastor conference with Junglemaster. Let Pastor Francisco know that people are praying for him from thousands of miles away.


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