Jungle Master Ministries

Training Center

Why a Technical School?

God has called JungleMaster to the Peruvian Amazon to demonstrate His redeeming grace and love. People living in these remote regions often suffer from a lack of trustworthy and godly role models, even in the church. They tend to lack the typical opportunities, such as education, by which others in less remote areas are able to better their lives. Thus they have little hope for the future. Joel, Amy, and Carmen McGee are seeking to minister to these needs. In the process of serving, using the unique skills God has given them, they are building relationships with the locals. These relationships are, in turn, opening up opportunities for those they serve to see Jesus in them, as they model lives of integrity and love.

God has blessed Joel with the gift of mechanical knowledge and expertise. The skills he possesses are much needed by the locals, and Joel feels strongly that God has called him to share his knowledge with them. At the new technical school, students will have the opportunity to acquire these mechanical skills, plus other skills that have the potential to better their physical lives. Even more exciting, they will have the opportunity to work side by side with Joel and other believers, discovering what it means to live godly lives and how to run a business using biblical principles!

We’re excited about this new outreach to the people of the Amazon! With God’s help, we can give them opportunities to better their lives, both physically and spiritually! We pray that you’ll join with us as we seek to provide these precious people with technical and other skills and, more importantly, with the hope that comes from knowing Jesus!

Project Details

The project has been split into 5 phases with each phase targeted to last roughly one year:
A more complete description of each of the five phases can be found below.

Current Status of the Project

Phase 1 of the project is nearing completion. All aspects have been accomplished with the exception of the final 400’ of the access road to the combination guard house/equipment storage building.

This aerial photo shows the 20 acre parcel (shaded in lighter green) purchased for the technical school. The paved highway between Nauta and Iquitos can be seen along its western border. Another public road splits the upper portion of the property and intersects with the highway. The red dirt area on the upper right is owned by others. The new driveway can be seen meandering to the location of the main campus (four brown rectangles). At the bottom of the photo is the location of the future fish pond. For a sense of scale, the portion of the property adjacent to the highway is roughly 1,780’ long. 

You can find the property location on Google Maps by searching for the following coordinates:
27’39″S 73°35’35″W

Detailed Description of the Five Phases:

Phase I: Purchase Property & Construct Equipment Storage Shed:

  • Locate a section of land that meets needs, secure the necessary funding, and complete the purchase.
  • Purchase necessary construction equipment, including: a moto furgon 3- wheeled truck), a used excavator, a used cement mixer, a small used generator, wheel barrow and various hand tools.
  • Construct 1000′ of driveway for access into property.
  • Install security fencing around the front portion of the property.
  • Dig a well and erect a water storage tower.
  • Install a septic system.
  • Construct a 12m x 24m building. Half of the building will be for equipment storage and repair, and the other half will be living space for the guard living on the property. 

Phase II: Construct Mechanical Training Building and Kitchen Facility:

  • Clear the ground in the main campus area.
  • Run underground utilities.
  • Construct generator power house and electrical distribution system.
  • Purchase 15 kw generator.
  • Construct the mechanical training shop and classroom.
  • Purchase equipment and tooling to outfit the shop and classroom.
  • Construct a kitchen facility.
  • Dig a pond for future revenue-generating fish farming operations.

Phase III: School Grand Opening. Commence Teaching:

  • Equip classrooms with computers, projector, internet access, curriculum materials, tables, and chairs.
  • Publicize school.
  • Hire teacher.
  • Begin mechanical training program.
Building the water tower
A portion of the completed road

Phase IV: Construct Welding & Carpentry Buildings:

  • Construct welding shop and carpentry shop.
  • Purchase equipment and tools to outfit shop & the affiliated classrooms.
  • Hire teachers.
  • Begin welding and carpentry training Programs.

Phase V: Construct Dormitory and Dining Hall. Add Bible school. Kick Off Business Development:

  • Construct dormitory housing for students attending courses.
  • Hire Bible instructors and open Bible school.
  • Kick off business development for revenue-generating operations from agriculture, forestry, & fish farming operations on the property.
Our new mini-excavator in front of the completed guardhouse/storage building and water tower
Digging a hole for the septic tank

Is God Calling You to Help?

Saul was called by God on the road to Damascus, God told him, “Now, get up and go …” and in obedience, he did. Joel McGee feels called by God to build the technical school, and in obedience, we are proceeding with this project. We trust that obedience will result in blessings, both for us and for the people we are seeking to serve. Is God calling you to help? If so, we urge you to be obedient to God’s calling! 

Here’s What You Can Do: Pray, Partner and/or Participate!

Pray: Satan will be at every corner trying to set up road blocks. Pray that God’s mighty hand will protect, and pray that He would receive all the glory. 

Partner with us by supporting the project financially:

Your gift of any amount will help make this a reality. No gift is too small nor too large.

Or you may choose to sponsor some specific aspect of the project.

  • Your gift of $300 can provide a teacher’s salary for one month.
  • Your gift of $3,600 can provide a teacher’s salary for an entire year.
  • Your gift of $10,000 will equip one of the shops with all the necessary machinery and tools.
  • Your gift of $15,000 would cover the material and labor to erect the entire carpentry shop.
  • Your gift of $15,000 could provide funds to dig a fish pond and purchase necessary supplies to start a revenue generating fish farming operation.
  • Your gift of $25,000 would provide labor and materials to build a student dormitory, community kitchen and bathroom. 
  • Your gift of $25,000 is enough to build and electrical building complete with a 15 kw generator for supplying the entire campus with electrical power.

Participate: Come to Peru and lend a hand with the project. If interested, contact us via email at: junglemasterministries@gmail.com