Preparing for the Festival – Day 3-
The first day we were here here was mostly getting some further loose ends pulled together on the boat, we fixed a vent issue, serviced the engine and purchased spare parts. Its a constant struggle to force myself to spend money on “just in case” issues, things like a spare propeller. We don’t need it but if we did we would be in a world of hurt if we didn’t have it. We bought the prop.
We also arranged for a carpenter to build bunk-beds. He was to have a sample for us to view the next day, we went by his shop and he had the first one done, so we made a deal with him to finish all 10 of the beds and he will deliver them to Santa Rita and assemble them for us by Friday.
We also managed to order cushions for the boat and those were finished today.
The big issue was buying food, we at last decided to get our cook, Felix, to help us shop. After 8 hours and stops at the Peruvian version of Costco and its antithesis in the farmers market, we purchased 1000 lbs of rice, 200 lbs of beans, 100 lbs of sugar, 100 lbs of dried fish, 50 lbs of noodles, 100 boxes of fruit juice 50 lbs of potatoes, on and on and on……….
The greatest frustrations come from dealing in the culture; they wouldn’t consider stopping at the next closest place to get an item. No; its almost like as we are going down the list we travel from one side of town to the other, getting the stuff in the order on our shopping list without reading down and seeing what the next item is. Without exaggeration we must have put 250 miles in today and the same yesterday. Lucho even joked, “I need to plan ahead like a gringo..” Its really hard to get anything done here……
Our current plan is to head up river tomorrow…..we’ll see…
Be praying.. we had wished to buy food as gifts but we are killing our budget. Pastor Javier would rather purchase gasoline as gifts. Still have a lot done. Got to go, this internet connection stinks, about every 10 minutes I have to walk down the hall and reboot the router…….